Armidale to George\'s Junction, Armidale - Kempsey Road
About the Track
Track Description

Route from Armidale to George's Junction campsite area. Not advisable for large caravan's, signage at the start of the Armidale Kempsey road advising that the road is steep and unsuitable for trailers and caravans to Lower Creek. There are a number of narrow points and blind corners on the descent. Prolonged descent from about 2km after Forest Way, dropping down to the Macleay River.

George's Junction Campsite is a large open campsite with an unshaded but level area next to the confluence with the Macleay River.

At the time of writing the road is closed mid week between 7.30 and 16.00 at Lower Creek; this closure is in effect from early October for 10 weeks. The diversion is via Dorrigo, and coming in via Kempsey.

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