Bunyip State Forest - 3 Sisters - Phasmid - Lower Sisters Loop
About the Track
Track Description

Completed on 17/1/09.

There area number of sections where the ruts are very deep and would make this impassable for most 4x4\'s.

The return path along Lower Sisters track is quite overgrown and there is a real risk of scratches.

The start of the track is around a large tree - the path is obvious - as the steel gate has been damaged and is no longer able to be opened. I assume that this was the seasonal closure gate.

Up near the turn off to the Phasmid track there is a large bog hole. It was almost dry when we went through but there are very deep ruts indicating this would be impassable if there had been significant rain in the previous weeks.


Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
39651 Nissan Patrol Apr 24, 2013
4199 Don't bother Sisters track buldozed and logged Doesn't exist really disapointed. Nissan Patrol Jan 25, 2010