Caballo Road, Guanaba
About the Track
Track Description

A short, but interesting rocky climb up from the start of Caballo (at the corner of Birds Rd) up the hill until it hits bitumen again and then continues. About one km further along, a track off the to the right (at -27.917215,153.248908) is very steep and very rutted and is quite challenging. If you continue along the track long enough it spits you out at Mt Tamborine after about 25 minutes.

Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
42307 I have done this track quite a few times. Difficulty is down to the driver, there are plenty of side tracks to spice things up! Can be a little challenging after some rain! Mazda BT-50 Oct 28, 2013
43170 Track ends on Mount Tamborine on recently sold private land. Heard that spotted vehicles are reported to authorities (National Park and Police). Please watch out. Safe driving. G Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sep 16, 2013
41727 Went up the track on the right after the tar section, fairly steep and rutted, doesnt lead anywhere so had to turn around and head back down. Good run up to mt Tambo Suzuki Sierra Apr 28, 2013