The track starts at Sliding Rock and passes into Moorillah Station then roughly follows the boundary fence of Warraweena and Moorillah
and connects 3 historic copper mines, Sliding Rock, Nuccaleena and Blinman mine. This is a one way track that follows the old road that once connected Sliding Rock town with Blinman in the 1870's. During this period Sliding Rock had a weekly mail coach connection to Adelaide. A short leg off the main track also leads to Nuccaleena mine.
The Copper track can be an alternative route from Warraweena Conservation Park to Blinman and Parachilna, if stationed elsewhere come to Warraweena via Beltana to pick up the key and track information.
Awesome views and plenty of opportunity to admire the scenery.
Fees apply to traverse this track.
User ID | Log | Vehicle | Date |
14454 | Relaxing winding track with wonderful Flinders Ranges scenery. | Nissan Patrol | Apr 21, 2014 |