So close to home
About the Track
Track Description

Area start point.

Loads of tracks to choose from.

Fun in the dry season up here with the creeks and hills, easy on your own,more fun with a friend. Can be done as round trip or through to other sites and major roads. Google maps very clear and taken during the dry season.

Serious in the wet season. Have never seen mud and ruts like this grouped so close together. Tried it twice now in the wet, once in 4x4(didn\'t get half way around one loop), once on a bike(450 yamaha covered in mud to the eye balls). This is the NT experiance, close to rivers and inlets, sand mud and clay, limited options to go around areas. Could be done alone with very well set up truck, or in a team for recovery and photos would be easier.

If your up for a thrill pm me and we\'re off, I will never tirer of this spot.

Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
40082 Jeep Wrangler May 27, 2013
9867 Mazda BT-50 Feb 18, 2010
10203 I used to run around there in my old sierra and hilux. Great fun Toyota Hilux