New Italy - Devils Pulpit SF - Tabbimoble SF - Doubleduke SF
About the Track
Track Description
turn off at new italy, follow swan bay rd to the forrest rd junction. turn left into forrest rd and keep an eye out to your right. take one of the many tracks you find. there are a crisscross of dirt rds and fire trails all through these forrests ranging from average dirt rd to heavily rutted with mud holes thrown in... can spend a whole day there exploring.
Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
37914 Be very careful with navman as it says there is a way out on darkeys road back to highway, but it is private house with fence up. You could try glencoe forest road but it was very wet and we couldnt get through. Maybe dont go in that far from the new italy turn off and then go back out same way. Mitsubishi Pajero Jul 2, 2013
19985 Holden Jackaroo Jun 26, 2011
10505 drove this track aftre a bit of rain, it was a bit slippery but had a lot of fun Toyota Hilux Feb 25, 2010
6765 After alot of rain, flood warnings, we decided to get out of the house for the arvo. Had a great time and got the lux awesomely dirty!! Toyota Hilux Dec 29, 2009