Peak Alone Fire Trail
About the Track
Track Description

The Peak Alone Fire Trail offers access to one of the finest coastal views on the south coast of NSW. Peak Alone (Wandella) at 957 meters elevation and only 25 km from the ocean, dominates the local landscape and provides a 360 degree panorama of mountain, farmland and coastal scenery. This 80 km trip starts in Cobargo and is mainly on good forest roads. The last 2km to the fire tower requies low range to traverse a rock strewn, rutted and steep ascent to the viewing area. The initial 1200ft decent off the top of Peak Alone is narrow,very steep and loose also requires low range and in my case with a 3300kg 80 series, low low, in order to steady the rate of descent. The remaining 2000ft decent to the Tuross River is on good forest roads. The river crossing is easy at low water levels. There are excellent camping sites nearby, with perfect swimming holes and bass fishing in season. The return to Bodalla has many alternatives to the track file shown.

Lindsay and the magnificent polar bear 

Track Logs
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679 Peak Alone Fire Trail is a nice easy drive through the forest behind Gulaga (Mt Dromedary) and down to the Tuross River. We followed the track supplied this time and found the climb up to Mt Peak Alone fairly easy going, especially after the last couple of times we went up there. Sadly this time Mt Peak Alone had its head in the clouds so we could not admire the vista, fortunately we have many fond memories of the view and many fantastic photo's from our last visit. This track has so many great side tracks and variations that it would not be possible to capture all them. For a slightly more interesting climb up to Peak Alone try following the power line track. Its still not extreme but it is a fairly steep climb and is easily found when coming up along Brass Knocker road. Once back down on the Tuross River the weather was so different to how it was up Mt Peak Alone that a bit of a dip was really nice before continuing along to Bodalla. This is a great track. Toyota Landcruiser Jan 17, 2009
2624 - No 4WD yet Nov 23, 2008