Wreck Crossing - summer track only
About the Track
Track Description

The Wreck Crossing is situated on the Old Coorong Road in the Coorong National Park, South Australia. Leads down to the beach for fantastic views of the ocean. Also if the tide is out you may even see some of the ship wreck popping out of the water. I was down there during high tide driving south from the 42 mile crossing, ended up taking the Wreck Crossing just to escape the chance of getting caught up in the ocean. The Wreck Crossing was very over grown and unmaintained then, and has left some nice reminders (scratches) on my car. Better that than lose it to the sea! Worth a look if you are doing the 42 Mile, 32 Mile, 28 Mile Crossings. Check with Park ranger if the crossing is open before you go. It is a summer track only.

Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
10972 This was quite a hard track but managed untill hit soft sand going up a sand dune where many have turned up the track causing major ground clearance issues and very soft deap sand tracks. Got rear end got bogged to the bumper bar as pretty much just fell in a hole. Mangaged to dig my way out and 4wdL it out in reverse. Left some real nice scratches though. And no real places to turn around either if get stuck unless going up a side of a hill. with 360mm ground clearance and still getting bogged, its quite a difficult track cause like others said, its unmaintained and doesnt look like driven much and that one spot where it looks like everone gets bogged. It will be alot easier if comming from the beach. Suzuki Grand Vitara Jan 30, 2012
23255 A pretty good track but was a little overrun due to being closed over winter but was a good fun drive. Toyota Landcruiser Sep 8, 2011
12810 Toyota Landcruiser Feb 14, 2009
12810 Toyota Landcruiser Mar 4, 2004