Cordeaux & Avon Rivers
About the Track
Track Description

The route / trail we have decided to investigate starts on a fire trail approx 1km from the Picton Rd & Hume Hwy junction. If you reach Wilton you have missed the firetrail entrance.

The firetrail crosses the Cordeaux river and swings around the Coudeaux Dam to the Illawarra Escarpment conservation Area. We then head down towards Dombarton past the Avon & Huntley Collieries before we swing back up and follow the Little Burke River back to the Avon Dam wall.

The trail rejoins the Hume Hwy near Bargo.

All up track is approx 110km.


Once we complete the trip (3/9/11) ... I will provide a better update detailing any issues etc that we encountered.

Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
30256 Gated and locked Nissan Patrol Mar 17, 2013