Howitt Plain to Wonnangatta River via Zeka Spur
About the Track
Track Description
This trek takes you from the beautiful Howitt snow plains down the trecherous Zeka Spur to the banks of the Wonnangatta River. Zeka Spur is 32 kilometers of full on concentration. The track is steep, loose and has some really tight turns.  It isn\'t reccomended to tow a trailer down unless you know what your doing and have a trailer that can handle some bumps and knocks. I labelled it difficult because of the definate requirement for low range and high clearance vehicles.  There are two dry camps on the way down so you can break up the trip if it is getting too hard on the family. There are some consulations at the end of the track being the Historic Wonnangatta Homestead site and the river. There are some beaut camgrounds and you could easily spend a week here.
Track Logs
User ID Log Vehicle Date
36771 Howitt Rd is in great condition and a fun drive. Zeka is very slow going. Toyota Landcruiser Dec 31, 2014
10203 Track had been freshly dozed and the surface is in great condition. Toyota Hilux Nov 12, 2011
10203 Toyota Hilux Jun 4, 2011
12717 Good fun fully loaded, middle section of track is toughest, but nothing serious in the dry. Ford Maverick Mar 23, 2010
6015 Track has a lot of rock, good drive Nissan Patrol Jan 21, 2010
5796 Toyota Prado Jan 5, 2010